Steering Committee

No. Name Email
1 Muhsen Abood Al-Ibadi [email protected]
2 Ammar Abdulameer Ali Zwain [email protected]
3 Zaid A. A. Yahya Alyasseri [email protected]
4 Mohammed S. Mechee [email protected]
5 Ebtesam Najim Abdullah [email protected]
6 Abbas Al-Hdabi [email protected]
7 Ammar Jallawi Mahmood Karkar [email protected]
8 Ahmed Abdulrudha Al-Zamili [email protected]
9 Bashar Alathari [email protected]
10 Salam Kadhim [email protected]
11 Mohammed Falih Kadhim [email protected]
12 Mohammed Riad Radi [email protected]
13 Ameer Alshammaa [email protected]
14 Lukman Rahman [email protected]
15 Wajeeh Jodi [email protected]
16 Ahmed Algburi [email protected]
17 Ali A.M. Jawad [email protected]
18 Nadia Ali Mohsin [email protected]
19 Mohammed Jawad challab [email protected]

Scientific committee members

No. Name ORCID/GoogleScholar Email
1 Zahir Hussain (Chair) (ACM Member) 0000-0002-1707-5485 [email protected]
2 Dhiya Al-Jumeily (Co-Chair) 0000-0002-9170-0568 [email protected]
3 Ali Ahmed Abed (ACM Chapter Chair) 0000-0003-0904-1645 [email protected]
4 Ammar Jallawi Karkar  (ACM Member) 0000-0002-7189-7463 [email protected]
5 Nizar Dahir (ACM Member) 0000-0003-3466-0982 [email protected]
6 Ahmed Sabaawi 0000-0002-7404-8846 [email protected]
7 Zayad ALkhafajy Google Scholar [email protected]
8 Sabah M. Al-Abboodi 0000-0001-6740-9415 [email protected]
9 Salam Hassan Al-augby 0000-0001-8247-9497 [email protected]
10 Esam A. Alkaldy 0000-0002-8014-7488 [email protected]
11 Maher A.R. Sadiq Al-baghdadi 0000-0002-9172-8771 [email protected]
12 Nabeel Salih Ali Al-Bachachee (ACM Member) 0000-0001-9988-5619 [email protected]
13 Salam Al-Khammasi 0000-0002-7041-2233 [email protected]
14 Mustafa S. Aljumaily (ACM Member) 0000-0002-7886-9537 [email protected]
15 Prof. Alex Yakovlev 0000-0003-0826-9330 [email protected]
16 Prof. Terrence Mak Google Scholar [email protected]
17 Prof. Kin-Fai (Kenneth) Tong 0000-0003-3913-0227 [email protected]
18 Prof Abir Hussain Google Scholar [email protected]
19 Dr. Hoshang Kolivand 0000-0001-5460-5679 [email protected]

Technical Review Committee

No. Name Email Affiliation Country
1 Abduladhem Ali [email protected] University of Basrah Iraq
2 Abbas Miry [email protected] Al-Mustansiriyah University Iraq
3 Abbas Jasim [email protected] University of Basrah Iraq
4 Abdulhussain Mahdi [email protected] University of Limerick Ireland
5 Ahmed Alkamachi [email protected] University of Baghdad Iraq
6 Ahmed Al-musawi [email protected] University of Baghdad Iraq
7 Ali Al-Timemy [email protected] Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) UK
8 Ali Hussien mary [email protected] University of Baghdad Iraq
9 Ali Salim [email protected] University of Technology Iraq
10 Ali Abed [email protected] University of Basrah Iraq
11 Ameera Al-Karkhi [email protected] Ryerson University Canada
12 Ammar Karkar [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
13 Amr Amrallah [email protected] Aswan University Egypt
14 Axel Sikora [email protected] University of Applied Sciences Offenburg Germany
15 B Patil [email protected] Pune University India
16 Bassem Abd-El-Atty [email protected] Menoufia University Egypt
17 Bilal Jebur [email protected] Newcastle University UK
18 Caterina Ciminelli [email protected] Politecnico di Bari Italy
19 Chiyaba Njovu [email protected] ZICAS University Zambia
20 Christopher Chembe [email protected] Mulungushi University Zambia
21 Christos Volos [email protected] Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
22 Chrysostomos Chrysostomou [email protected] Frederick University Cybrus
23 Daniel Lopez-Fernandez [email protected] Centro Universitario de Tecnologia y Arte Digital Spain
24 David Chisanga [email protected] The University of Zambia Zambia
25 David Lorater Ndzi [email protected] University of the West of Scotland UK
26 De Mi [email protected] University of Surrey UK
27 Devsi Bantva [email protected] Lukhdhirji Engineering College, Morbi India
28 Dhiya Al-Jumeily [email protected] Liverpool John Moores University UK
29 Edmore Chikohora [email protected] Namibia University of Science & Technology Namibia
30 Edward Mwalimu [email protected] University of Zambia Zambia
31 Emad Salman [email protected] University of Diyala Iraq
32 Ergun Erçelebi [email protected] University of Gaziantep Turkey
33 Esam Alkaldy [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
34 Fatiha Merazka [email protected] LISIC Laboratory.  USTHB University Algeria
35 Felesia Mulauzi-Zulu [email protected] University of Zambia Zambia
36 Francis Mulolani [email protected] The Copperbelt University Zambia
37 Gervais N. Kamga [email protected] INRS, University of Quebec Canada
38 Hamid Reza Boveiri [email protected] Sama College, IAU, Shoushtar Branch Iran
39 Hamsa Abdulkareem [email protected] Al-Nahrain University Iraq
40 Harith Fakhrey [email protected] Newcastle University UK
41 Hope Mogale [email protected] North-West University North Africa
42 Ibrahim Hameed [email protected] Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
43 Imran Raza [email protected] COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus Pakistan
44 Israa Al-Shaikhlili [email protected] Newcastle University UK
45 Issa Elfergani [email protected] Instituto de Telecomunicações Portugal
46 Jawad Ali [email protected] University of Technology Iraq
47 Jun Chen [email protected] Huawei Technolgies Ltd., Co. China
48 Junho Hong [email protected] University of Michigan USA
49 Khine Thin Zar [email protected] Yangon Technological University Myanmar
50 Kiran Ahuja [email protected] B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology India
51 Kosai Raoof [email protected] Laboratoire LAUM France
52 Krzysztof Wesolowski [email protected] Poznan University of Technology Poland
53 Li Xinxiao [email protected] Toshiba corp. Japan
54 Maher Albaghdadi [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
55 Maria Gabriella Xibilia [email protected] University of Messina Italy
56 Matheel Abdulmunem [email protected] University of Technology Iraq
57 Mayumbo Nyirenda [email protected] University of Zambia Zambia
58 Mehmet Akif Yazici [email protected] Istanbul Technical University Turkey
59 Mohamed Elhoseny [email protected] Faculty of Computers and Information UAE
60 Mohammed Aalsalem [email protected] Jazan University Saudi Arabia
61 Morris Mkokweza [email protected] Zambia Zambia
62 Mowafak Abdul-Hussein [email protected] University of Technology Iraq
63 Muhammad Khan [email protected] COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus Pakistan
64 Nabeel Ali [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
65 Ndiwa Mutemwa [email protected] Copperbelt University Zambia
66 Nuno Goncalves [email protected] University of Coimbra Portugal
67 Oday Ridha [email protected] University of Baghdad Iraq
68 Peng Zhang [email protected] Stony Brook University USA
69 Radu Mitran [email protected] Land Forces Academy Romania
70 Raed Abd-Alhameed [email protected] University of Bradford UK
71 Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltran [email protected] Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT) Mexico
72 Sabah Al-aboodi [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
73 Salam Alaugby [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
74 Salam alkhammasi [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq
75 Samson Chibuta [email protected] Middle East Technical University Turkey
76 Sergio Gago-Masague [email protected] University of California, Irvine USA
77 Seyed Sahand Mohammadi Ziabari [email protected] Technical University of Delft Netherlands
78 Seyi Osunade [email protected] University of Ibadan Iran
79 Sinan Alkassar [email protected] Ninevah University Iraq
80 Taous-Meriem Laleg-Kirati [email protected] King Abdullah University of Sciences and Engineering Saudi Arabia
81 Tariq Ahanger [email protected] Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
82 Thu L. N. Nguyen [email protected] Soongsil University Korea
83 Valentina Balas [email protected] Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad Romania
84 Vincent Omwenga [email protected] Strathmore University Kenya
85 Wael Abd Alaziz [email protected] Newcastle University UK
86 Waheb Abdullah [email protected] Universiti Malaysia Pahang Malaysia
87 Wazir Zada Khan [email protected] Jazan University Saudi Arabia
88 Yasir Al-Yasir [email protected] University of Bradford UK
89 Yongming Wang [email protected] Chinese Academy of Sciences China
90 Zahir Hussain [email protected] University of Kufa Iraq

Keynote Speakers

No. Name Biography
1 Prof. Alex Yakovlev DSc, FIET, SMIEEE (AY, UoN) founded and leads the MicroSystems Research Group, and co-founded the Asynchronous Systems Laboratory at Newcastle University. He was awarded an EPSRC Dream Fellowship in 2011-13. He has published 8 edited and co-authored monographs and more than 300 papers in academic journals and conferences, most of which are in the area of concurrent and asynchronous systems. He has chaired program committees of several international conferences in this area, including the IEEE Int. Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), Petri nets (ICATPN), Applications of Concurrency to Systems Design (ACSD), and he has been Chairman of the Steering committee of the Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design since 2001.
2 Prof. Kin-Fai (Kenneth) Tong He received the BEng(Hons) and PhD degrees in Electronic Engineering from the City University of Hong Kong. He worked an Expert researcher in the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NiCT), Japan, where his main research focused on photonic-integrated millimetre-wave planar antennas for Gbits wireless communication systems.  Dr Tong is now a senior lecturer at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London (UCL).  Early in 1994, he has been credited to be one of the first who introduced the idea of integrating microstrip patch antennas into mobile phones. Moreover, he pioneered in developing Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) models for the investigations of the ultra-wideband behaviour of U-slot microstrip patch antennas. He has co-authored two book chapters on planar antenna designs and is author or co-author of over 90 publications.